10-years (2)
- Ten Years of Programming in Go - 2023.08.21
- Ten Years Since "Teach Yourself to Program in Ten Years" - 2017.09.26
agency (7)
- The 'Fun' Matrix - 2022.03.26
- "Make Time for the Lord" - 2021.11.07
- "In the Wisdom of Him Who Knoweth All Things" - 2021.09.10
- Continuous [Spiritual] Integration - 2015.06.10
- Personal Affirmations in the Scriptures - 2015.01.06
- Productivity - 2014.09.15
- Media and Leisure - 2014.01.07
aoc-2018 (6)
- 'Partial' Predicates in Clojure - 2021.10.21
- Vectors: last vs peek - 2021.10.20
- Map Merging in Clojure - 2021.10.19
- Brute Force vs. Indexing - 2021.10.18
- Solving Problems in Clojure - 2021.10.14
- Your (Recursive) Loop Needs Reducing - 2021.10.13
apprenticeship (64)
- I'm a Clean Coder! - 2021.11.03
- Clojure's 'comp' and 'juxt' functions - 2021.10.26
- Let's talk about Clojure's 'if-let' form - 2021.10.25
- Benchmarking Clojure Code, Part 2 - 2021.10.22
- 'Partial' Predicates in Clojure - 2021.10.21
- Vectors: last vs peek - 2021.10.20
- Map Merging in Clojure - 2021.10.19
- Brute Force vs. Indexing - 2021.10.18
- Benchmarking Clojure Code, Part 1 - 2021.10.15
- Counting Frequencies In Clojure - 2021.10.15
- Clojure Reader Dispatch Overload - 2021.10.15
- Solving Problems in Clojure - 2021.10.14
- Your (Recursive) Loop Needs Reducing - 2021.10.13
- Generating Random Alphanumeric Codes in Clojure - 2021.10.12
- Apply vs. Reduce - 2021.10.11
- Sometimes Coding in Clojure Feels like Cheating - 2021.10.08
- Mapping over multiple collections in Clojure - 2021.10.04
- 'Partial' String Formatting in Clojure - 2021.10.01
- Keywords with Hiccup - 2021.09.30
- Getting Started Test-driving ClojureScript - 2021.09.29
- Getting Started with ClojureScript - 2021.09.24
- 'Threading' a Pedagogical Needle (part 2) - 2021.09.22
- 'Print-line' Debugging with the 'Thread-as' Macro - 2021.09.22
- 'Threading' a Pedagogical Needle (part 1) - 2021.09.21
- Double-brace Initialization in Java Considered Harmful - 2021.09.20
- Nifty Bits of Java - 2021.09.16
- Another Layer - 2021.09.15
- Contrast - 2021.09.14
- Simplifications - 2021.09.10
- The Open-Closed Principle, for GUIs - 2021.09.09
- Mocking Without Dependency Inversion - 2021.09.08
- Threading Through Map Keys in Clojure - 2021.09.07
- The "Game of Life" Kata in Clojure - 2021.09.03
- Inverting 'If' Statements in Clojure - 2021.09.02
- Mocking External Library Functions in Clojure + Speclj - 2021.09.01
- Back in the groove - 2021.08.31
- When everything is a 'one-liner' - 2021.08.30
- Filtering Set Intersections In Clojure - 2021.08.30
- Clojure Map Keys as Functions - 2021.08.27
- A Lapse in Discipline - 2021.08.27
- "Tic-Tac-Toe! 4-in-a-row!" - 2021.08.26
- When the going gets 'gui'... - 2021.08.25
- Managing GUI Screens with Quil - 2021.08.24
- Clojure Maps as Functions - 2021.08.23
- Mocking With Speclj - 2021.08.20
- KISS: Keep It Simple, Smarty! - 2021.08.19
- Manual Vertical Code Alignment in Clojure - 2021.08.18
- The Prime Factors Kata in Clojure - 2021.08.17
- Working with Grids in Clojure - 2021.08.16
- SOLID: The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) - 2021.08.12
- SOLID: The Interface Segration Principle (ISP) - 2021.08.12
- SOLID: The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) - 2021.08.12
- SOLID: The Open/Closed Principle (OCP) - 2021.08.12
- SOLID: The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) - 2021.08.12
- The Bowling Game Kata in Clojure - 2021.08.11
- Extract Till You Drop - 2021.08.10
- Destructuring in API Design - 2021.08.09
- List vs Vector - 2021.08.06
- Prime Number Iteration - 2021.08.05
- Threading Speclj Assertions - 2021.08.04
- Functional Bowling Game Kata - 2021.08.03
- Getting Started with 'speclj' - 2021.08.02
- Let's Go Bowling! - 2021.08.02
- Clean Coders: Resident Apprentice - 2021.08.02
blessings (7)
- "What doth it profit us to labor in the church?" - 2024.07.31
- Prophetic Promises - 2018.10.16
- If this, then that... - 2018.09.20
- Great Expectations - 2017.07.19
- All things shall work together for your good - 2016.11.27
- The Sabbath is a Sign - 2015.07.30
- Extending Our Mortal Probation - 2014.07.15
callings (4)
- "What doth it profit us to labor in the church?" - 2024.07.31
- Magnifying Our Calling (Part 2) - 2022.08.04
- Jesus Christ Delegates His Priesthood Authority - 2022.05.19
- Magnifying our calling - 2014.07.23
charity (2)
- The Essence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ - 2022.01.16
- Nephi had charity for his people - 2015.02.21
choices (4)
- Continuous [Spiritual] Integration - 2015.06.10
- Jacob Marley's Regret - 2014.12.08
- Media and Leisure - 2014.01.07
- Choices for a New Year - 2014.01.01
church (3)
- Utah Area Leadership Broadcast (Recap) - 2023.12.31
- Hymn: We Worship God - 2019.06.13
- I Belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 2018.08.19
clean-code (6)
- Clean Coders: Resident Apprentice - 2021.08.02
- Assignmnents and Ifs - 2019.11.30
- Reciever Names in Go - 2019.10.28
- The Clean Coder - 2018.01.04
- Go code that stutters - 2015.02.12
- Brvty - 2014.03.28
clojure (60)
- Rot13 to the Rescue! - 2022.09.26
- Table-driven Tests in Clojure - 2022.02.23
- I'm a Clean Coder! - 2021.11.03
- Clojure's 'comp' and 'juxt' functions - 2021.10.26
- Let's talk about Clojure's 'if-let' form - 2021.10.25
- Benchmarking Clojure Code, Part 2 - 2021.10.22
- 'Partial' Predicates in Clojure - 2021.10.21
- Vectors: last vs peek - 2021.10.20
- Map Merging in Clojure - 2021.10.19
- Brute Force vs. Indexing - 2021.10.18
- Benchmarking Clojure Code, Part 1 - 2021.10.15
- Counting Frequencies In Clojure - 2021.10.15
- Clojure Reader Dispatch Overload - 2021.10.15
- Solving Problems in Clojure - 2021.10.14
- Your (Recursive) Loop Needs Reducing - 2021.10.13
- Generating Random Alphanumeric Codes in Clojure - 2021.10.12
- Apply vs. Reduce - 2021.10.11
- Sometimes Coding in Clojure Feels like Cheating - 2021.10.08
- Mapping over multiple collections in Clojure - 2021.10.04
- 'Partial' String Formatting in Clojure - 2021.10.01
- Keywords with Hiccup - 2021.09.30
- Getting Started Test-driving ClojureScript - 2021.09.29
- Getting Started with ClojureScript - 2021.09.24
- 'Threading' a Pedagogical Needle (part 2) - 2021.09.22
- 'Print-line' Debugging with the 'Thread-as' Macro - 2021.09.22
- 'Threading' a Pedagogical Needle (part 1) - 2021.09.21
- Double-brace Initialization in Java Considered Harmful - 2021.09.20
- Nifty Bits of Java - 2021.09.16
- Another Layer - 2021.09.15
- Contrast - 2021.09.14
- Simplifications - 2021.09.10
- The Open-Closed Principle, for GUIs - 2021.09.09
- Mocking Without Dependency Inversion - 2021.09.08
- Threading Through Map Keys in Clojure - 2021.09.07
- The "Game of Life" Kata in Clojure - 2021.09.03
- Inverting 'If' Statements in Clojure - 2021.09.02
- Mocking External Library Functions in Clojure + Speclj - 2021.09.01
- Back in the groove - 2021.08.31
- When everything is a 'one-liner' - 2021.08.30
- Filtering Set Intersections In Clojure - 2021.08.30
- Clojure Map Keys as Functions - 2021.08.27
- A Lapse in Discipline - 2021.08.27
- "Tic-Tac-Toe! 4-in-a-row!" - 2021.08.26
- When the going gets 'gui'... - 2021.08.25
- Managing GUI Screens with Quil - 2021.08.24
- Clojure Maps as Functions - 2021.08.23
- Mocking With Speclj - 2021.08.20
- KISS: Keep It Simple, Smarty! - 2021.08.19
- Manual Vertical Code Alignment in Clojure - 2021.08.18
- The Prime Factors Kata in Clojure - 2021.08.17
- Working with Grids in Clojure - 2021.08.16
- The Bowling Game Kata in Clojure - 2021.08.11
- Extract Till You Drop - 2021.08.10
- Destructuring in API Design - 2021.08.09
- List vs Vector - 2021.08.06
- Prime Number Iteration - 2021.08.05
- Threading Speclj Assertions - 2021.08.04
- Functional Bowling Game Kata - 2021.08.03
- Getting Started with 'speclj' - 2021.08.02
- Let's Go Bowling! - 2021.08.02
commandments (3)
- Prophetic Promises - 2018.10.16
- Great Expectations - 2017.07.19
- Extending Our Mortal Probation - 2014.07.15
courage (3)
- Be strong, and of a good courage... - 2020.02.01
- "What is to be done?" - 2020.01.21
- When the going gets tough... - 2020.01.19
covenant (2)
- Hymn: Come Unto Christ - 2018.11.12
- A "Divine Design" Document - 2016.09.11
cross-referenced (3)
- The Introduction to The Book of Mormon - 2024.01.09
- "The Living Christ" - 2020.10.05
- "The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ" - 2020.05.31
desire (2)
- Waiting upon the Spirit of the Lord - 2024.05.27
- Angelic Zeal - 2016.08.31
discipline (2)
- Discipline => Traction - 2019.10.29
- 1 Tomato, 2 Tomato, 3 Tomato, 4! - 2017.08.15
faith (16)
- Waiting upon the Spirit of the Lord - 2024.05.27
- "If the Savior Stood Beside Me" - 2021.09.13
- Faith and Fairness - 2021.06.28
- Be strong, and of a good courage... - 2020.02.01
- "What is to be done?" - 2020.01.21
- When the going gets tough... - 2020.01.19
- "...opposition (and opportunity) in all things..." - 2019.06.09
- Hymn: Sufficient Yet My Grace Shall Be - 2018.09.17
- What's your next step? - 2017.10.08
- All things shall work together for your good - 2016.11.27
- Sustain the Prophet - 2015.08.09
- Spiritual Health - 2014.10.23
- To hold the Priesthood is to repent - 2014.05.18
- A continuum of spiritual growth - 2014.04.14
- A Firm Mind - 2014.01.13
- Faith-promoting Scriptures - 2013.12.30
family (3)
- Hymn: In Temples - 2019.06.01
- Your (home teaching) family - 2016.09.19
- A "Divine Design" Document - 2016.09.11
gathering-of-israel (2)
- Hymn: The Redemption of Zion - 2019.01.20
- Song: The Gathering of Israel - 2018.09.21
generics (2)
- When 'generic' is too specific - 2023.05.25
- Go Generics in Practice - 2022.10.26
god (3)
- Hymn: We Worship God - 2019.06.13
- Hymn: Come Unto Christ - 2018.11.12
- Hymn: The Glory Of God - 2018.07.29
golang (20)
- (Small) Size Matters Not - 2024.10.05
- Scripting Utilities for Go projects - 2024.03.25
- Go Quiz - 2024.02.05
- Review: GopherCon 2023 - 2023.10.02
- Ten Years of Programming in Go - 2023.08.21
- Alternative Go Method Expression Syntax - 2023.08.03
- When 'generic' is too specific - 2023.05.25
- smarty/gunit vs. mdw-go/testing/should - 2023.04.05
- Go Generics in Practice - 2022.10.26
- Manual Vertical Code Alignment - 2021.08.18
- Go Test Helpers - 2021.06.25
- gunit vs. testify - 2021.05.15
- Go Testing With Functional Fixtures - 2020.09.18
- Go Starter Kit - 2020.06.09
- Assignmnents and Ifs - 2019.11.30
- Reciever Names in Go - 2019.10.28
- Embedding is beneficial - 2015.02.18
- Go code that stutters - 2015.02.12
- Brvty - 2014.03.28
- GoSublime + GoImports = :) - 2013.12.25
good-works (4)
- "What doth it profit us to labor in the church?" - 2024.07.31
- "Let your light so shine before this people..." - 2020.10.05
- Hymn: On This the Sabbath Of Our Lord - 2019.06.16
- Productivity - 2014.09.15
grace (4)
- Come Unto Christ - 2024.12.26
- According to Our Infirmities - 2019.08.11
- Hymn: Come Unto Christ - 2018.11.12
- Hymn: Sufficient Yet My Grace Shall Be - 2018.09.17
gtd (5)
- GTD Projects - 2024.08.19
- An overview of GTD - 2020.10.04
- Discipline => Traction - 2019.10.29
- A few of my favorite TLAs - 2017.06.26
- GTD: Mastering Workflow - Processing (as an algorithm) - 2014.08.30
holy-ghost (4)
- Uncomfortable, yet not comfortless! - 2023.02.22
- An Apostle's Prayerful Pattern - 2021.10.19
- Hymn: As Saints We Gather - 2019.01.09
- A continuum of spiritual growth - 2014.04.14
home-teaching (6)
- Your (home teaching) family - 2016.09.19
- The heart of the Shepherd - 2015.05.11
- The Main Thing - 2014.12.30
- Jacob Marley's Regret - 2014.12.08
- Shameless and blameless - 2014.07.02
- Home Teaching Reporting - 2014.05.29
humility (3)
- "Let your light so shine before this people..." - 2020.10.05
- Hymn: On This the Sabbath Of Our Lord - 2019.06.16
- Hymn: Sufficient Yet My Grace Shall Be - 2018.09.17
hymns (24)
- Hymn #11 - 2020.08.02
- Church Music - 2019.07.01
- Hymn: On This the Sabbath Of Our Lord - 2019.06.16
- Hymn: We Worship God - 2019.06.13
- Hymn: In Temples - 2019.06.01
- Hymn #10 - 2019.05.12
- Hymn #9 - 2019.03.30
- Hymn #8 - 2019.02.10
- Hymn: The Redemption of Zion - 2019.01.20
- Hymn: As Saints We Gather - 2019.01.09
- Hymn #7 - 2019.01.06
- Hymn: Come Unto Christ - 2018.11.12
- Hymn #6 - 2018.10.30
- Hymn: Sufficient Yet My Grace Shall Be - 2018.09.17
- Hymn: Preach My Gospel - 2018.09.10
- Hymn: Remember Me - 2018.08.16
- Hymn #5 - 2018.08.16
- Hymn: The Lost is Found - 2018.07.30
- Hymn: The Glory Of God - 2018.07.29
- Hymn #4 - 2018.07.22
- Hymn #3 - 2018.07.08
- Hymn #2 - 2018.06.25
- Hymn #1 - 2018.06.19
- Call for Collaborators: New Hymns and Primary Songs - 2018.06.18
jesus-christ (30)
- Come Unto Christ - 2024.12.26
- An Expression of Care - 2024.03.31
- The Introduction to The Book of Mormon - 2024.01.09
- Jesus Christ is the Bishop of our Souls - 2023.07.08
- Uncomfortable, yet not comfortless! - 2023.02.22
- Today and Tomorrow - 2023.01.14
- The Essence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ - 2022.01.16
- With His Stripes We Are Healed - 2021.11.29
- "Make Time for the Lord" - 2021.11.07
- "If the Savior Stood Beside Me" - 2021.09.13
- The Atoning Power of Jesus Christ - 2021.03.20
- "The Living Christ" - 2020.10.05
- "Let your light so shine before this people..." - 2020.10.05
- "The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ" - 2020.05.31
- Composition: "The Lost is Found" (SATB+Piano) - 2020.01.01
- According to Our Infirmities - 2019.08.11
- Hymn: The Atonement of Christ - 2019.06.23
- Hymn: On This the Sabbath Of Our Lord - 2019.06.16
- Hymn: In Temples - 2019.06.01
- Song: I Can Have Joy - 2019.05.31
- Hymn: Come Unto Christ - 2018.11.12
- Hymn: Sufficient Yet My Grace Shall Be - 2018.09.17
- I Belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 2018.08.19
- Hymn: Remember Me - 2018.08.16
- Hymn: The Lost is Found - 2018.07.30
- Hymn: The Glory Of God - 2018.07.29
- To Honor and Magnify the Priesthood - 2016.05.15
- Jesus Christ - Related Study Help Entries - 2015.12.11
- On the morrow - 2015.01.13
- The Main Thing - 2014.12.30
joseph-smith (2)
- The Introduction to The Book of Mormon - 2024.01.09
- "The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ" - 2020.05.31
joy (4)
- "What doth it profit us to labor in the church?" - 2024.07.31
- Utah Area Leadership Broadcast (Recap) - 2023.12.31
- Hymn: On This the Sabbath Of Our Lord - 2019.06.16
- Song: I Can Have Joy - 2019.05.31
ministering (4)
- Utah Area Leadership Broadcast (Recap) - 2023.12.31
- Composition: "The Lost is Found" (SATB+Piano) - 2020.01.01
- Hymn: We Worship God - 2019.06.13
- Hymn: The Lost is Found - 2018.07.30
miracles (2)
- Miraculous Missionary Work - 2024.05.26
- Great Expectations - 2017.07.19
missionary-work (7)
- Miraculous Missionary Work - 2024.05.26
- Composition: "The Lost is Found" (SATB+Piano) - 2020.01.01
- Moving in his Majesty and Power - 2019.02.24
- Song: The Gathering of Israel - 2018.09.21
- Hymn: Preach My Gospel - 2018.09.10
- Hymn: The Lost is Found - 2018.07.30
- On the morrow - 2015.01.13
mortality (7)
- "In the Wisdom of Him Who Knoweth All Things" - 2021.09.10
- According to Our Infirmities - 2019.08.11
- The Physical Body - 2019.08.08
- "...opposition (and opportunity) in all things..." - 2019.06.09
- Hymn: In Temples - 2019.06.01
- Spiritual Health - 2014.10.23
- Extending Our Mortal Probation - 2014.07.15
music (28)
- Hymn #11 - 2020.08.02
- Composition: "The Lost is Found" (SATB+Piano) - 2020.01.01
- Church Music - 2019.07.01
- Hymn: The Atonement of Christ - 2019.06.23
- Hymn: On This the Sabbath Of Our Lord - 2019.06.16
- Hymn: We Worship God - 2019.06.13
- Hymn: In Temples - 2019.06.01
- Song: I Can Have Joy - 2019.05.31
- Hymn #10 - 2019.05.12
- Hymn #9 - 2019.03.30
- Hymn #8 - 2019.02.10
- Hymn: The Redemption of Zion - 2019.01.20
- Hymn: As Saints We Gather - 2019.01.09
- Hymn #7 - 2019.01.06
- Hymn: Come Unto Christ - 2018.11.12
- Hymn #6 - 2018.10.30
- Song: The Gathering of Israel - 2018.09.21
- Hymn: Sufficient Yet My Grace Shall Be - 2018.09.17
- Hymn: Preach My Gospel - 2018.09.10
- Hymn #5 - 2018.08.16
- Hymn: Remember Me - 2018.08.16
- Hymn: The Lost is Found - 2018.07.30
- Hymn: The Glory Of God - 2018.07.29
- Hymn #4 - 2018.07.22
- Hymn #3 - 2018.07.08
- Hymn #2 - 2018.06.25
- Hymn #1 - 2018.06.19
- Call for Collaborators: New Hymns and Primary Songs - 2018.06.18
naming (3)
- Reciever Names in Go - 2019.10.28
- Go code that stutters - 2015.02.12
- Brvty - 2014.03.28
nephi (2)
- The Power of Prayer - 2016.12.14
- Happiness == Righeousness - 2016.11.24
pair-programming (3)
- Discipline => Traction - 2019.10.29
- The Clean Coder - 2018.01.04
- 1 Tomato, 2 Tomato, 3 Tomato, 4! - 2017.08.15
physical-body (2)
- The Physical Body - 2019.08.08
- Spiritual Health - 2014.10.23
plan-of-salvation (4)
- Today and Tomorrow - 2023.01.14
- Death is not the end! - 2022.12.28
- Hymn: In Temples - 2019.06.01
- Life is like a 3-act play - 2014.03.23
pomodoro (2)
- Discipline => Traction - 2019.10.29
- 1 Tomato, 2 Tomato, 3 Tomato, 4! - 2017.08.15
prayer (5)
- An Apostle's Prayerful Pattern - 2021.10.19
- Hymn: As Saints We Gather - 2019.01.09
- The Power of Prayer - 2016.12.14
- All things shall work together for your good - 2016.11.27
- Spiritual Health - 2014.10.23
priesthood (6)
- Jesus Christ Delegates His Priesthood Authority - 2022.05.19
- To Honor and Magnify the Priesthood - 2016.05.15
- The heart of the Shepherd - 2015.05.11
- Shameless and blameless - 2014.07.02
- Home Teaching Reporting - 2014.05.29
- To hold the Priesthood is to repent - 2014.05.18
programming (95)
- (Small) Size Matters Not - 2024.10.05
- Scripting Utilities for Go projects - 2024.03.25
- Go Quiz - 2024.02.05
- Review: GopherCon 2023 - 2023.10.02
- Ten Years of Programming in Go - 2023.08.21
- Alternative Go Method Expression Syntax - 2023.08.03
- When 'generic' is too specific - 2023.05.25
- smarty/gunit vs. mdw-go/testing/should - 2023.04.05
- Go Generics in Practice - 2022.10.26
- Rot13 to the Rescue! - 2022.09.26
- Table-driven Tests in Clojure - 2022.02.23
- I'm a Clean Coder! - 2021.11.03
- Clojure's 'comp' and 'juxt' functions - 2021.10.26
- Let's talk about Clojure's 'if-let' form - 2021.10.25
- Benchmarking Clojure Code, Part 2 - 2021.10.22
- 'Partial' Predicates in Clojure - 2021.10.21
- Vectors: last vs peek - 2021.10.20
- Map Merging in Clojure - 2021.10.19
- Brute Force vs. Indexing - 2021.10.18
- Counting Frequencies In Clojure - 2021.10.15
- Clojure Reader Dispatch Overload - 2021.10.15
- Benchmarking Clojure Code, Part 1 - 2021.10.15
- Solving Problems in Clojure - 2021.10.14
- Your (Recursive) Loop Needs Reducing - 2021.10.13
- Generating Random Alphanumeric Codes in Clojure - 2021.10.12
- Apply vs. Reduce - 2021.10.11
- Sometimes Coding in Clojure Feels like Cheating - 2021.10.08
- Mapping over multiple collections in Clojure - 2021.10.04
- 'Partial' String Formatting in Clojure - 2021.10.01
- Keywords with Hiccup - 2021.09.30
- Getting Started Test-driving ClojureScript - 2021.09.29
- Getting Started with ClojureScript - 2021.09.24
- 'Threading' a Pedagogical Needle (part 2) - 2021.09.22
- 'Print-line' Debugging with the 'Thread-as' Macro - 2021.09.22
- 'Threading' a Pedagogical Needle (part 1) - 2021.09.21
- Double-brace Initialization in Java Considered Harmful - 2021.09.20
- Nifty Bits of Java - 2021.09.16
- Another Layer - 2021.09.15
- Contrast - 2021.09.14
- Simplifications - 2021.09.10
- The Open-Closed Principle, for GUIs - 2021.09.09
- Mocking Without Dependency Inversion - 2021.09.08
- Threading Through Map Keys in Clojure - 2021.09.07
- The "Game of Life" Kata in Clojure - 2021.09.03
- Inverting 'If' Statements in Clojure - 2021.09.02
- Mocking External Library Functions in Clojure + Speclj - 2021.09.01
- Back in the groove - 2021.08.31
- When everything is a 'one-liner' - 2021.08.30
- Filtering Set Intersections In Clojure - 2021.08.30
- Clojure Map Keys as Functions - 2021.08.27
- A Lapse in Discipline - 2021.08.27
- "Tic-Tac-Toe! 4-in-a-row!" - 2021.08.26
- When the going gets 'gui'... - 2021.08.25
- Managing GUI Screens with Quil - 2021.08.24
- Clojure Maps as Functions - 2021.08.23
- Mocking With Speclj - 2021.08.20
- KISS: Keep It Simple, Smarty! - 2021.08.19
- Manual Vertical Code Alignment - 2021.08.18
- Manual Vertical Code Alignment in Clojure - 2021.08.18
- The Prime Factors Kata in Clojure - 2021.08.17
- Working with Grids in Clojure - 2021.08.16
- SOLID: The Open/Closed Principle (OCP) - 2021.08.12
- SOLID: The Interface Segration Principle (ISP) - 2021.08.12
- SOLID: The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) - 2021.08.12
- SOLID: The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) - 2021.08.12
- SOLID: The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) - 2021.08.12
- The Bowling Game Kata in Clojure - 2021.08.11
- Extract Till You Drop - 2021.08.10
- Destructuring in API Design - 2021.08.09
- List vs Vector - 2021.08.06
- Prime Number Iteration - 2021.08.05
- Threading Speclj Assertions - 2021.08.04
- Functional Bowling Game Kata - 2021.08.03
- Getting Started with 'speclj' - 2021.08.02
- Clean Coders: Resident Apprentice - 2021.08.02
- Let's Go Bowling! - 2021.08.02
- Go Test Helpers - 2021.06.25
- gunit vs. testify - 2021.05.15
- Go Testing With Functional Fixtures - 2020.09.18
- Go Starter Kit - 2020.06.09
- Mob Programming - 2020.03.18
- Assignmnents and Ifs - 2019.11.30
- Discipline => Traction - 2019.10.29
- Reciever Names in Go - 2019.10.28
- The Clean Coder - 2018.01.04
- Ten Years Since "Teach Yourself to Program in Ten Years" - 2017.09.26
- 1 Tomato, 2 Tomato, 3 Tomato, 4! - 2017.08.15
- A few of my favorite TLAs - 2017.06.26
- Embedding is beneficial - 2015.02.18
- Go code that stutters - 2015.02.12
- GTD: Mastering Workflow - Processing (as an algorithm) - 2014.08.30
- Brvty - 2014.03.28
- GoSublime + GoImports = :) - 2013.12.25
- A few 'bits' of python - 2013.06.13
- pyspecs - Minimalistic BDD in Python - 2012.05.31
progress (4)
- "...opposition (and opportunity) in all things..." - 2019.06.09
- What's your next step? - 2017.10.08
- Continuous [Spiritual] Integration - 2015.06.10
- A continuum of spiritual growth - 2014.04.14
prophets (4)
- Follow the Prophet: Russell M. Nelson - 2022.04.25
- Prophetic Promises - 2018.10.16
- Sustain the Prophet - 2015.08.09
- Jacob the poet-prophet - 2013.12.30
python (2)
- A few 'bits' of python - 2013.06.13
- pyspecs - Minimalistic BDD in Python - 2012.05.31
quil (2)
- When the going gets 'gui'... - 2021.08.25
- Managing GUI Screens with Quil - 2021.08.24
repentance (9)
- An Expression of Care - 2024.03.31
- Scripture Chain: Repentance & Forgiveness - 2023.07.04
- "...opposition (and opportunity) in all things..." - 2019.06.09
- All things shall work together for your good - 2016.11.27
- Angelic Zeal - 2016.08.31
- To Honor and Magnify the Priesthood - 2016.05.15
- Extending Our Mortal Probation - 2014.07.15
- To hold the Priesthood is to repent - 2014.05.18
- A continuum of spiritual growth - 2014.04.14
restoration (4)
- The Second Vision - 2025.01.23
- The Introduction to The Book of Mormon - 2024.01.09
- Jesus Christ Delegates His Priesthood Authority - 2022.05.19
- "The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ" - 2020.05.31
sabbath (2)
- Hymn: On This the Sabbath Of Our Lord - 2019.06.16
- The Sabbath is a Sign - 2015.07.30
sacrament (2)
- "...opposition (and opportunity) in all things..." - 2019.06.09
- Hymn: Remember Me - 2018.08.16
sans-lyrics (11)
- Hymn #11 - 2020.08.02
- Hymn #10 - 2019.05.12
- Hymn #9 - 2019.03.30
- Hymn #8 - 2019.02.10
- Hymn #7 - 2019.01.06
- Hymn #6 - 2018.10.30
- Hymn #5 - 2018.08.16
- Hymn #4 - 2018.07.22
- Hymn #3 - 2018.07.08
- Hymn #2 - 2018.06.25
- Hymn #1 - 2018.06.19
scriptural-structure (3)
- With His Stripes We Are Healed - 2021.11.29
- The Simple Terms of Eternal Life - 2021.11.21
- "Unto such it shall be given" - 2021.11.19
scripture (8)
- The New Testament, chapter by chapter - 2023.06.15
- The Book of Mormon, chapter by chapter - 2022.02.01
- Scripture Scavenger Hunt - 2021.12.18
- Be strong, and of a good courage... - 2020.02.01
- "What is to be done?" - 2020.01.21
- When the going gets tough... - 2020.01.19
- If this, then that... - 2018.09.20
- Faith-promoting Scriptures - 2013.12.30
scripture-list (19)
- Today and Tomorrow - 2023.01.14
- Hearts Knit Together in Unity - 2021.07.11
- Faith and Fairness - 2021.06.28
- Be strong, and of a good courage... - 2020.02.01
- "What is to be done?" - 2020.01.21
- When the going gets tough... - 2020.01.19
- More Sister Scriptures - 2019.04.01
- If this, then that... - 2018.09.20
- Footnote Expansion - "With One Accord", by Sis. Reyna I. Aburto - 2018.07.28
- Sister Scriptures - 2017.09.03
- The Power of Prayer - 2016.12.14
- All things shall work together for your good - 2016.11.27
- Happiness == Righeousness - 2016.11.24
- The Sabbath is a Sign - 2015.07.30
- Nephi had charity for his people - 2015.02.21
- Personal Affirmations in the Scriptures - 2015.01.06
- Productivity - 2014.09.15
- Jacob the poet-prophet - 2013.12.30
- Faith-promoting Scriptures - 2013.12.30
scripture-study (2)
- Hymn: As Saints We Gather - 2019.01.09
- Spiritual Health - 2014.10.23
second-coming (2)
- Today and Tomorrow - 2023.01.14
- On the morrow - 2015.01.13
service (3)
- Hymn: Preach My Gospel - 2018.09.10
- Your (home teaching) family - 2016.09.19
- The heart of the Shepherd - 2015.05.11
sister-scriptures (6)
- "Let your light so shine before this people..." - 2020.10.05
- Footnote Expansion - "With One Accord", by Sis. Reyna I. Aburto - 2018.07.28
- Sister Scriptures - 2017.09.03
- Nephi had charity for his people - 2015.02.21
- Extending Our Mortal Probation - 2014.07.15
- A Firm Mind - 2014.01.13
snicket (2)
- Miraculous Missionary Work - 2024.05.26
- The Morals of the Story - 2022.12.07
solid (5)
- SOLID: The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) - 2021.08.12
- SOLID: The Open/Closed Principle (OCP) - 2021.08.12
- SOLID: The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) - 2021.08.12
- SOLID: The Interface Segration Principle (ISP) - 2021.08.12
- SOLID: The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) - 2021.08.12
songs (5)
- Church Music - 2019.07.01
- Hymn: The Atonement of Christ - 2019.06.23
- Song: I Can Have Joy - 2019.05.31
- Song: The Gathering of Israel - 2018.09.21
- Call for Collaborators: New Hymns and Primary Songs - 2018.06.18
stewardship (2)
- A "Divine Design" Document - 2016.09.11
- The heart of the Shepherd - 2015.05.11
talks (11)
- "The servants did go and labor with their mights" - 2024.02.18
- Death is not the end! - 2022.12.28
- The Temple is Our Spiritual Foundation - 2022.03.19
- The Essence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ - 2022.01.16
- "If the Savior Stood Beside Me" - 2021.09.13
- Hearts Knit Together in Unity - 2021.07.11
- Faith and Fairness - 2021.06.28
- The Atoning Power of Jesus Christ - 2021.03.20
- To Honor and Magnify the Priesthood - 2016.05.15
- Spiritual Health - 2014.10.23
- Media and Leisure - 2014.01.07
tdd (4)
- Discipline => Traction - 2019.10.29
- The Clean Coder - 2018.01.04
- A few of my favorite TLAs - 2017.06.26
- pyspecs - Minimalistic BDD in Python - 2012.05.31
testing (5)
- smarty/gunit vs. mdw-go/testing/should - 2023.04.05
- Go Test Helpers - 2021.06.25
- gunit vs. testify - 2021.05.15
- Go Testing With Functional Fixtures - 2020.09.18
- pyspecs - Minimalistic BDD in Python - 2012.05.31
thread-as (4)
- Sometimes Coding in Clojure Feels like Cheating - 2021.10.08
- 'Print-line' Debugging with the 'Thread-as' Macro - 2021.09.22
- 'Threading' a Pedagogical Needle (part 2) - 2021.09.22
- 'Threading' a Pedagogical Needle (part 1) - 2021.09.21
training (2)
- Shameless and blameless - 2014.07.02
- Home Teaching Reporting - 2014.05.29
trials (2)
- The 'Fun' Matrix - 2022.03.26
- According to Our Infirmities - 2019.08.11
unity (3)
- Struck with wonder and amazement - 2024.05.27
- Hearts Knit Together in Unity - 2021.07.11
- Footnote Expansion - "With One Accord", by Sis. Reyna I. Aburto - 2018.07.28
weakness (2)
- According to Our Infirmities - 2019.08.11
- What's your next step? - 2017.10.08
zion (2)
- Hearts Knit Together in Unity - 2021.07.11
- Hymn: The Redemption of Zion - 2019.01.20