
Welcome to my little corner of the internet! I hope you find something meaningful.

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charity (2)

choices (4)

church (3)

clean-code (6)

clojure (60)

commandments (3)

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covenant (2)

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desire (2)

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faith (16)

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gathering-of-israel (2)

generics (2)

god (3)

golang (20)

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grace (4)

gtd (5)

holy-ghost (4)

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hymns (24)

jesus-christ (30)

joseph-smith (2)

joy (4)

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miracles (2)

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mortality (7)

music (28)

naming (3)

nephi (2)

pair-programming (3)

physical-body (2)

plan-of-salvation (4)

pomodoro (2)

prayer (5)

priesthood (6)

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prophets (4)

python (2)

quil (2)

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sans-lyrics (11)

scriptural-structure (3)

scripture (8)

scripture-list (19)

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talks (11)

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trials (2)

unity (3)

weakness (2)

zion (2)