The Main Thing to keep the Main Thing the Main Thing...

The “Main Thing”

Elder Worthen (an Area Authority Seventy and President of BYU) recently stated:

The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing—and the main thing is Jesus Christ.

Stated differently, our goal is to keep Jesus Christ and his Atonement the focus of our thoughts, conversations, actions, and teaching opportunities. Jesus "went about doing good", and thankfully, I see so many good things happening around me, which is encouraging. I also see that there is much room for growth and improvement...which is also encouraging!

Now what?

Ever-present on my mind as I consider this I can't help but thing of the Home Teaching program. It’s one way our "Heavenly Father blesses his children" because it brings us all closer to Christ. Consider this: In the business world, a company with a superior product or service considers it their duty to ensure adoption by as many consumers as possible. Likewise in the church I hope we feel an urgent duty to bless every home with the influence of caring home teachers because we can be assured that it will bring about positive change for everyone involved. Do you feel that way? If not, will you try it out? I bear testimony that you will be brought closer to the Savior as we all become even more involved in the giving and/or receiving sides of the Home Teaching program.

There are chances for work all around just now, Opportunities right in our way. Do not let them pass by, saying, “Sometime I’ll try,” But go and do something today!

(Hymns, #223)

-Michael Whatcott, 30 December 2014