Back in the groove

Ah, much better!

I've been thinking about "The Programmer's Oath" lately. Specifically, as it relates to my apprenticeship experience. While no specific disciplines are overtly stated in the text, I'm sure Robert Martin, the author, had a few in mind when he wrote it.

For instance:

A bit ago I experienced what I called "a lapse in discipline". It was a good lesson to (re-)learn. You see, one of the most difficult character qualities to develop is diligence. What do I mean by that? Well, there are certain decisions that would only need to be made once, except that we lack diligence in our resolve and, for whatever reason, we cut corners.

Anyway, I'm happy to report that I test-drove almost an entire user-interface from scratch today! But, that draw function in main proved difficult to 'prove' without resorting to visual verification (it's a bunch of quil library calls that do the rendering).

(defn draw-root [state]
  (quil/background background-color)
  (quil/fill background-color)

  (when (not (game/playing? state))
    (quil/stroke grid-color)
    (doseq [[x y] full-grid]
      (quil/rect x y width-of-each-cell width-of-each-cell))

    (quil/fill text-color)
    (quil/text-align :center :center)
    (let [[x y] control-panel-center]
      (quil/text click-to-begin-text x y)))

  (quil/stroke live-cell-color)
  (quil/fill live-cell-color)
  (doseq [[[x y] _upper-right] (get-in state [:grid :live-cells])]
    (quil/rect x y width-of-each-cell width-of-each-cell)))

In the spirit of "[producing], with each realease, a quick, sure, and repeatable proof that every element of the code works as it should", what would your approach be?

-Michael Whatcott, 31 August 2021